News archive

  • 10/10/2024

    Welcome to our booth at Scanpack 2024!

    Welcome to visit WeLoc at Scanpack, the leading packaging exhibition in Scandinavia.

    Now it is time for Scanpack again. The exhibition takes place between 22-25th of October.

    You will find us at booth B08:82 where we are redy to helo you with your sealing problems.

    There are something for everyone in our big assortment.

    Book your free ticket to the exhibition here

    We are looking forward to meet you!

  • 6/27/2023

    Swedish summer vacation 2023

    In order to be prepared we would hereby like to inform you about our closedown during the Swedish Summer vacation in July 2023.

    Our Warehouse & Printing department will be closed from the 7th of July and open again on the 7th of August.

    Taking this under consideration please send us your orders in due time for our very best service.

    Wishing you a refreshing and lovely summer in beforehand!

    Your WeLoc Team
    Agnes, Ulrika, Andreas, Daniel & Katarina

  • 5/6/2022

    New Detectable catalogue is now available

    We have now released our new Detectable catalogue. It is about our detectable assortment which is an important growing sector for us.

    WeLoc Detectable closures are designed for use in the most demanding situations, strong and durable with a long life – designed for use where metal or x-ray detection systems are in operation. WeLoc Detectable clips incorporate special polymers with evenly dispersed additives that make every part of the closure fully detectable.

    WeLoc Detectable closures will satisfy food, beverage and pharmaceutical manufacturers who need to reduce the chance of contamination from foreign objects. Their use minimizes the risk of injury to consumers, helps to avoids damage to production equipment, prevent product recalls and harm to reputation. Production in Sweden uses food-safe Dark Blue colouring, standard for detectable products.

    The catalogue can either be opened as a netpublication or you can download it as a PDF-file.

  • 11/11/2021

    Mr. BigLoc has started his new life

    After 52 years our dear Arne – Mr. BigLoc - has started his new life outside the office.

    He sends his Warmest Regards to all dear customers and friends over the years!!!

  • 6/24/2021

    Swedish summer vacation 2021

    In order to be prepared we would hereby like to inform you about our closedown during the Swedish Summer vacation in July 2021.

    Our Warehouse & Printing department will be closed from the 9th of July and open again on the 9th of August.

    Taking this under consideration please send us your orders in due time for our very best service.

    Wishing you a refreshing and lovely summer in beforehand!

    Your WeLoc Team
    Agnes, Ulrika, Andreas, Arne, Daniel & Katarina

  • 6/22/2020

    Swedish summer vacation 2020

    In order to be prepared we would hereby like to inform you about our closedown during the Swedish Summer vacation in July 2020.

    Our Warehouse & Printing department will be closed from the 6th of July and open again on the 3rd of August.

    Taking this under consideration please send us your orders in due time for our very best service.

    Wishing you a refreshing and lovely summer in beforehand!

    Your WeLoc Team
    Agnes, Ulrika, Andreas, Arne, Daniel & Katarina

  • 6/12/2020

    New catalogue

    Our new catalogue is here and we have for example updated our logo to a more modern design. Hope you would like to see it and read more about our company and see pictures where our WeLoc products are used in action.

    Open as netpublication

    Download catalogue

  • 3/26/2020

    Interpack is postponed, but we are here to support you

    The exhibition Interpack is postponed because of the Covid-19 virus. It will be held on Feburary 25- March 3, 2021 instead.

    But we are still here at the office able to take care of your orders and inquiries, so it is no problem to deliver your goods.

    Like everyone else we are of course also keep following the development of Covid-19 and will follow the directives from the authorities.

    We are looking forward to help you with your inquiry!

  • 10/31/2019

    The Weland Group is leading the way

    Last year, we launched our brand-new group-wide stand at Elmia Subcontractor. With a stand covering 400 square meters we showed that we have a will of steel. At this year's fair we hope to be able to entice visitors with something extra special. With our own stage in our stand, we have brought in experts who will present on highly relevant topics.

    Expertise at hand

    Through the Weland Group's push in skills development, you will, among other things, get to hear Stora Enso talk about opportunities and development in bio composites and K.D. Feddersen will explain why plastic is the best environmental choice. Other presenters during the week include SSAB, BIM and Svetsutvecklarna.

    – We bring in the foremost experts in different areas to interact with our customers and visitors, raise thoughts and show how we look at things. Basically, it's about developing along with our customers, says Mattias Andersson.

    See our complete program below and plan it into your calendar.

    This year, the Weland Group is represented by six companies and all of us will be offering news in our own specific areas.

    The past year

    With over 30 years of experience designing, manufacturing, and distributing reusable plastic seals for flexible packaging, WeLoc is today the market leader. We are seeing an increased demand for sustainable alternatives and are constantly developing new closures with different characteristics to meet the changing needs of the market.

    With 2020 around the corner, the Weland Group is coming together to take on new challenges and we hope you will join us on the journey.

    Click here for a free entry ticket to the trade fair<

  • 11/22/2018

    The detectable range is now expanding by our WeLoc POM 150 FD

    New product in the detectable family, with the same unique properties as its siblings.

    It is time to release another new article among our detectable bag closures. The name of the product is WeLoc POM 150 FD with a sealing length of 150mm. As we notice an expanding demand for our detectable range this is a logically development for us.

    POM 150 FD has just like the standard PA 150 a pin hinge giving an increased safety in tough applications.

    Just like our other detectable products it is fully detectable in both metal and X-ray. As it is produced from Acetal (POM) it is durable until -50 C/ -58F.

    It is only available in dark blue color as the conventional choice for means of tools to be distinguished from ingredients into food- and medical industry. Blue is a very unusual color for the food- and pharmaceutical products in themselves.

  • 11/16/2018

    Step into Weland's virtual stand

    You still have the chance to meet ut as Elmia Subcontractor. Come see us at stand D01:62 where the Weland Group has created a wonderful environment with a good vibe that shows what we are all about. Meet some of our representatives, grab a cup of coffee or why not enjoy one of our sought-after mocktails.

    Here we also offer an AR experience, an augmented reality where a constructed model integrated with an iPad will show you how products from the Weland Group are used in the world around you.

    If you did not have the opportunity to come to Jönköping this year, you can still experience our exhibition stand. Weland has, together with BIMobject AB, created an interactive VR-model of Weland's booth at Elmia Subcontractor. Clicking the link enables you to walk around our booth and experience the wide range of products and services offered by the Weland Group.

  • 10/30/2018

    Meet us at Elmia Subcontractor

    Take the opportunity to meet WeLoc at Elmia Subcontractor in Jönköping on November 13 – 16. You will find us at stand D01:62.

    There you will get a chance to see our new WeLoc Gripper 150. It is a bigger version of our well known WeLoc Gripper 100. The new sack clip will cope to seal bigger sacks, compared to the current clip, using the same popular functional design.

    Elmia Subcontractor is Northern Europe's leading trade fair for subcontractors and gathers 1200 exhibitors and up to 15,000 visitors from 30 countries.

  • 10/23/2018

    Come and visit WeLoc at Scanpack 2018- we will solve your sealing problems

    It is time again to attend one of the biggest packaging exhibitions in scandinavia, Scanpack in Gothenburg. The exhibition will take place in October 23-26 and you will find us on our booth no. B08:82.

    You are very welcome to visit us to see if there are any sealing problems we can solve for you.

    Come and see our new WeLoc Gripper 150. It is a bigger version of our well known WeLoc Gripper 100. The new sack clip will cope to seal bigger sacks, where the current can’t make. Our sack sealing clip WeLoc Gripper 100 is a very popular product and the new bigger sack closure is just an expanded version of the already popular and functional closure with the same design.

  • 3/29/2018

    Our new bigger sack clip WeLoc Gripper 150 is now released

    WeLoc Gripper 150 is bigger and will cope to seal bigger sacks and bags than the current very popular WeLoc Gripper 100 can make.

    Our brand new WeLoc Gripper 150 is now available in stock. It is a bigger version of our well known WeLoc Gripper 100. The new sack clip will cope to seal bigger sacks, where the current can’t make. Our sack sealing clip WeLoc Gripper 100 is a very popular product and the new bigger sack closure is just an expanded version of the already popular and functional closure with the same design.

    The new sealing clip for sacks WeLoc Gripper 150 is available in both the standard version and fully detectable version.

    The detectable version is called WeLoc Gripper POM 150 FD. It is fully detectable in both metal and X-ray, just like its little brother. As it is produced in Acetal it is durable to as low as -50 C/ -58F.

    WeLoc Gripper POM 150 FD can for example be used to seal packages in the pharmaceutical and food industry. It is important for them to be able to identify foreign particles that have happened to end up in the content.

    It is only available in dark blue as blue is a common choice to be distinguished from manufactured products into food industry and medicine. Blue is a very unusual color for the food.

    WeLoc Gripper is a powerful tool which keep a good order among your bags.

    The sack sealing clip can be used again and again and creates security and high environmental profile. Many use them on their sacks when they have an upcoming audit, to make a good impression.

  • 6/7/2017

    Succé för vår nya större säckförslutare WeLoc Gripper 150 under Interpack 2017 i Düsseldorf

    Nya WeLoc Gripper 150 kan försluta större påsar och säckar än vår nuvarande populära WeLoc Gripper 100 klarar.

    Världens största förpackningsmässa Interpack är vart 3:e år och vi var nu med för 8:e gången sedan 1996. Vi är så glada för mycket positiv respons i vår monter under de intensiva 7 dagarna.

    Under denna mässa fick man chansen att se och prova den helt nya WeLoc Gripper 150, som är en större version av vår välkända WeLoc Gripper PA 100. Den nya klämman sväljer mer material och kommer att kunna försluta större säckar, där den nuvarande inte känns bekväm. Vår säckförslutare är redan en mycket populär produkt och den nya större säckklämman har samma funktionella och omtyckta design.

    Vi räknar med att kunna lansera WeLoc Gripper 150 i både grundversionen WeLoc Gripper PA 150 och den detekterbara WeLoc Gripper POM 150 FD under hösten 2017.

    I övrigt har vi ett väldigt brett sortiment med påsklämmor, som passar för att försluta era förpackningar. Vårt PA-sortiment WeLoc PA-sortiment sätter standarden för återanvändningsbara förslutare. Där finns allt från en liten klämma för små påsar upp till en stor klämma, som kan linjeförsluta 32cm.

  • 12/8/2016

    Convenient sealing tools for your dog food- meet us at MyDOG

    After being at Pack Expo in Chicago, which is one of the biggest packaging exhibitions in the world, it is no time to attend the dog exhibition MyDOG in Gothenburg. The exhibition will take place in January 5-8, 2017 and you will find us on our booth no. B01:15.

    You are very welcome to visit us to see if there are any sealing problems we can solve for you.

    Our sack sealer will suit your dog food very good. The sack closure is a tool that you can use again and again. When you seal the sack with one of our bag clips you can let the ingredients stay in their origin packaging and the food will keep its freshness even longer.

    Our scoop sealers, medium and big gives you both a sealer and a measurer in the same product. The scoop sealer medium can seal 220mm and the scoop can measure 110ml. The big scoop sealer can seal 320mm and measure 250ml.

    During the MyDOG exhibition in Gothenburg we will have special offers on our products, which will be guilty only for you who comes and visit us at the exhibition.

  • 10/17/2016

    Come and visit WeLoc at Pack Expo 2016- we will solve your sealing problems.

    WeLoc attend one of the biggest packaging exhibitions in the world.

    WeLoc has just came home from the Empack exhibition in Stockholm and now it is soon time for the next exhibition. This time we will attend one of the biggest packaging exhibitions in the world, Pack Expo in Chicago. The exhibition will take place in November 6-9 and you will find us on our booth no. N5365.

    You are very welcome to visit us to see if there are any sealing problems we can solve for you.

    The packaging companies like our sack clip WeLoc Gripper PA 100 very much. When you have bought this tool you can stop worry about that it is a good order among the sacks when you have inspections.

  • 3/31/2016

    New WeLoc Gripper FD – Improvement of the material

    Stiffer product now made from Acetal - POM with a new article number. The design is not changed.

    As a result of our continuous development work we have succeeded to change the material in our special Fully Detectable Sack Closure to make it stiffer like the very popular standard Gripper.

    The new product name is WeLoc Gripper POM 100 FD and the new article number is FD1910004, replacing the previous no longer in stock.

    It is manufactured from a special compound of Acetal – POM, but the design is the same.
    Except for Fully Metal and X-ray Detectability the closure can even be used in Ultra Low Temperature Freezer at -50 C / -58 F.
    Convenient for use into Food Industries and Pharmaceutical/Medical sectors.


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